Event Information

Event on 2017-03-20 22:09, Chamonix F, Magnitude 3.0
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Local time 2017-03-20 22:09:10
UTC Time 2017-03-20 21:09:10
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 46.04 / 6.90
Swiss Coordinates 558673 / 99331
Magnitude 3.0
Magnitude Type MLh
Location Chamonix F
Depth [km] 4.2
Location Type manual
Agency SED
Last Update 05-02-2018 17:03:36
Danger level 2 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20180205170301.552756.72862

Observed macroseismic intensities

Zip Code
Epicentral Distance
# of Reports
1925 Le Châtelard VS CH 5 km felt 2
1925 Finhaut CH 8 km felt 2
1929 Trient CH 8 km felt 1
1923 Le Trétien CH 10 km felt 1
1923 Les Marécottes CH 12 km felt 3
1928 Ravoire CH 13 km IV 6
1922 Salvan CH 13 km IV 15
1922 Les Granges (Salvan) CH 13 km felt 2
1921 Martigny-Croix CH 13 km IV 13
1932 Les Valettes CH 14 km felt 3
1874 Champéry CH 15 km IV 5
1932 Bovernier CH 15 km felt 3
1920 Martigny CH 15 km IV 92
1904 Vernayaz CH 15 km felt 4
1927 Chemin CH 16 km felt 2
1903 Collonges CH 18 km felt 1
1933 Sembrancher CH 20 km felt 1
1891 Vérossaz CH 20 km felt 2
1906 Charrat CH 20 km felt 1
1926 Fully CH 20 km IV 10
1872 Troistorrents CH 21 km III 5
1890 St-Maurice CH 21 km III 7
1871 Choex CH 22 km felt 1
1869 Massongex CH 24 km felt 3
1870 Monthey CH 24 km IV 6
1880 Bex CH 25 km felt 4
1907 Saxon CH 25 km felt 1
1868 Collombey CH 26 km felt 1
1867 Ollon VD CH 29 km felt 2

*An intensity value according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) is only given from six reports onwards per postal code .

Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2017/03/20_101351557 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for March 20, 2017, 09:09:10.544
EVENT 2017/03/20_090910544 CHAMONIX F
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2017/03/20 21:09:10.54 0.19 46.0426 6.9028 1.8 0.6 275 3.4 1.0 49 38 98 0.03 0.81 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLh 3.0 0.3 104 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
SEMOS 0.03 42.5 Pg 21:09:11.840 0.0 ___ 116228.2 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
SEMOS 0.03 42.5 Sg 21:09:12.760 0.1 ___ m__ --------
OGSI 0.10 277.9 Pg 21:09:12.450 -0.3 ___ 13100.5 md_ MLh 3.2 --------
OGSI 0.10 277.9 Sg 21:09:13.879 -0.4 ___ m__ --------
SMAO 0.13 65.0 Pg 21:09:13.592 0.3 ___ 153314.1 md_ MLh 4.3 --------
SMAO 0.13 65.0 Sg 21:09:15.871 0.6 ___ m__ --------
GRYON 0.26 35.7 Pg 21:09:15.581 0.0 ___ 3565.7 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
GRYON 0.26 35.7 Sg 21:09:19.263 0.1 ___ m__ --------
REMY 0.27 140.1 Pg 21:09:16.198 0.2 ___ 6825.9 md_ MLh 3.2 --------
REMY 0.27 140.1 Sg 21:09:20.217 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SAIG 0.28 10.6 Pg 21:09:15.942 0.1 ___ 6273.6 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
MRGE 0.29 159.3 Pg 21:09:16.401 0.1 ___ 13832.4 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
MRGE 0.29 159.3 Sg 21:09:20.613 0.2 ___ m__ --------
AIGLE 0.30 8.3 Pg 21:09:16.350 0.0 ___ 1822.5 mc_ MLh 2.7 --------
DIX 0.35 83.8 Pg 21:09:17.774 0.2 ___ 3800.4 md_ MLh 3.2 --------
DIX 0.35 83.8 Sg 21:09:22.724 0.1 ___ m__ --------
ESION 0.36 59.5 Pg 21:09:17.819 0.2 ___ 5604.0 m__ MLh 3.3 --------
RAW3 0.37 31.0 Pg 21:09:17.871 0.2 ___ 7702.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
RAW3 0.37 31.0 Sg 21:09:23.239 0.5 ___ m__ --------
SIOV 0.38 59.3 Pg 21:09:17.992 0.1 ___ 1728.8 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
SIOV 0.38 59.3 Sg 21:09:23.120 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SIOO 0.39 60.6 Pg 21:09:18.340 0.3 ___ 5538.1 md_ MLh 3.4 --------
RAW2 0.40 47.1 Pg 21:09:18.318 0.0 ___ 6728.8 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
RAW2 0.40 47.1 Sg 21:09:24.118 0.2 ___ m__ --------
SENIN 0.43 41.3 Pg 21:09:18.726 -0.1 ___ 2073.3 m__ MLh 3.0 --------
SAYF2 0.44 55.8 Pg 21:09:19.022 0.0 ___ 3391.2 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
SCOD 0.46 21.3 Pg 21:09:19.139 0.0 ___ 5087.4 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
STSW2 0.48 51.1 Pg 21:09:19.725 -0.1 ___ 1432.7 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
OG02 0.48 283.3 Pg 21:09:19.720 -0.1 ___ 308.2 md_ MLh 2.3 --------
VANNI 0.51 70.9 Pg 21:09:20.499 -0.1 ___ 1204.5 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
VANNI 0.51 70.9 Sg 21:09:27.598 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
RAW1 0.54 45.0 Pg 21:09:20.602 -0.1 ___ 1262.3 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
RAW1 0.54 45.0 Sg 21:09:28.011 0.1 ___ m__ --------
CERNS 0.61 291.4 Pg 21:09:22.398 0.2 ___ 1305.2 md_ MLh 3.1 --------
LKBD 0.62 55.8 Pg 21:09:22.293 -0.1 ___ 1220.1 m__ MLh 3.1 --------
LKBD2 0.62 57.5 Pg 21:09:22.283 -0.2 ___ 1035.6 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
CERN5 0.62 295.4 Pg 21:09:22.610 0.2 ___ 995.0 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
SMOE 0.63 355.2 Pg 21:09:23.196 0.6 ___ 2067.3 m__ MLh 3.3 --------
CIRO 0.63 134.2 Pg 21:09:22.489 -0.1 ___ 1867.7 md_ MLh 3.3 --------
CIRO 0.63 134.2 Sg 21:09:30.813 -0.3 ___ m__ --------
GIMEL 0.65 319.1 Pg 21:09:23.323 0.0 ___ 832.2 m__ MLh 2.9 --------
EMBD 0.67 75.0 Pg 21:09:23.182 0.0 ___ 476.5 md_ MLh 2.7 --------
SATI 0.69 104.1 Pg 21:09:23.181 -0.4 ___ 307.4 md_ MLh 2.5 --------
OGMY 0.73 257.2 Pg 21:09:24.193 0.0 ___ 426.1 md_ MLh 2.7 --------
TORNY 0.73 3.0 PmP 21:09:27.764 ___ m__ --------
TORNY 0.73 4.5 Pg 21:09:24.669 0.0 ___ 3326.2 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
MMK 0.74 89.3 Pg 21:09:24.049 -0.2 ___ 319.9 md_ MLh 2.5 --------
TRAV 0.78 132.5 Pg 21:09:25.213 0.1 ___ 2005.6 md_ MLh 3.4 --------
SIMPL 0.80 75.8 Pg 21:09:25.550 -0.2 ___ 614.2 md_ MLh 2.8 --------
WIMIS 0.81 39.4 Pg 21:09:25.609 -0.3 ___ 477.1 mc_ MLh 2.7 --------
A282A 0.92 148.7 Pg 21:09:28.231 0.7 ___ 2067.0 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
OG35 0.93 270.3 Pg 21:09:27.918 ___ 1542.4 md_ MLh 3.3 --------
OG35 0.93 270.3 PmP 21:09:30.223 ___ m__ --------
FIESA 0.93 65.0 Pg 21:09:27.986 -0.4 ___ 247.7 m__ MLh 2.5 --------
BRANT 0.94 343.2 Pg 21:09:28.964 0.4 ___ 1287.0 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
RIVEL 0.97 317.7 Pg 21:09:28.977 0.1 ___ 3066.0 md_ MLh 3.6 --------
GSF03 ___ 582.6 __ MLh 3.0 --------
A287A ___ 498.4 __ MLh 2.9 --------
TRULL ___ 857.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
ZUR ___ 538.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
QEG00 ___ 745.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
METMA ___ 202.7 __ MLh 2.8 --------
SGT00 ___ 379.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
EMMET ___ 758.4 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SVEJ ___ 3308.1 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SINS ___ 2060.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SFRU ___ 5151.7 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SVAM ___ 286.8 __ MLh 3.0 --------
ACB ___ 669.5 __ MLh 3.3 --------
HAMIK ___ 375.1 __ MLh 2.9 --------
EMING ___ 263.4 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SULZ ___ 947.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SFEL ___ 1587.6 __ MLh 3.7 --------
GRIMS ___ 338.5 __ MLh 2.7 --------
SKAF ___ 547.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SBERN ___ 1797.2 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SBIF2 ___ 807.9 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SRHH ___ 658.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SGRA ___ 1845.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
BOUC ___ 1351.3 __ MLh 3.4 --------
STBO ___ 944.8 __ MLh 3.5 --------
PZZ ___ 552.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------
STAF ___ 2432.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SNES2 ___ 852.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SBIS2 ___ 1455.3 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SBUA2 ___ 753.4 __ MLh 3.5 --------
BOURR ___ 381.2 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SGEV ___ 1870.5 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SBIK ___ 5254.4 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SBAM2 ___ 979.2 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SYVP ___ 9444.3 __ MLh 4.0 --------
FUSIO ___ 387.0 __ MLh 2.9 --------
MDI ___ 109.6 __ MLh 2.6 --------
LIENZ ___ 258.0 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SBAK ___ 1034.0 __ MLh 3.4 --------
MTI01 ___ 372.1 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SBUB ___ 313.0 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SDES ___ 942.9 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SLOP ___ 478.3 __ MLh 3.0 --------
BALST ___ 624.4 __ MLh 3.1 --------
MABI ___ 58.9 __ MLh 2.5 --------
SCHK ___ 398.1 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SALTS ___ 806.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SAUR ___ 1500.8 __ MLh 3.6 --------
STRW ___ 379.0 __ MLh 3.2 --------
CERN1 ___ 616.0 __ MLh 2.8 --------
CHBM ___ 1064.0 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SBEG ___ 1263.0 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SGAK ___ 2642.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
PREO2 ___ 1126.9 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SVIT ___ 2677.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SLCF ___ 2150.5 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SSTS ___ 2469.8 __ MLh 3.7 --------
SIZS ___ 1354.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
UBR ___ 350.9 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SMUK ___ 12136.4 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SBAV ___ 978.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
RONF ___ 363.7 __ MLh 3.0 --------
STFL ___ 1227.5 __ MLh 3.3 --------
WOLEN ___ 1064.0 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SBAJ2 ___ 1160.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SRHE ___ 720.2 __ MLh 3.3 --------
STEIN ___ 423.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
BFO ___ 88.1 __ MLh 2.7 --------
PLONS ___ 245.7 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SLTM2 ___ 927.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SAPK ___ 983.1 __ MLh 3.6 --------
KIZ ___ 166.7 __ MLh 2.8 --------
MUGIO ___ 224.0 __ MLh 2.7 --------
ENDD ___ 194.2 __ MLh 2.8 --------
A103A ___ 225.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
A061A ___ 384.9 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SRHB ___ 1050.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
WALHA ___ 346.7 __ MLh 3.2 --------
GSF01 ___ 446.3 __ MLh 2.8 --------
SGT05 ___ 311.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
MOSI ___ 175.2 __ MLh 3.1 --------
MTI03 ___ 2333.1 __ MLh 3.7 --------
A288A ___ 384.9 __ MLh 2.8 --------
BERNI ___ 73.0 __ MLh 2.5 --------
SOLZ ___ 2088.6 __ MLh 3.6 --------
NALPS ___ 380.2 __ MLh 2.9 --------
OTER2 ___ 178.6 __ MLh 2.7 --------
FLACH ___ 1211.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SZEK ___ 2213.9 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SARK ___ 2177.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
STHE ___ 891.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SVIO ___ 1400.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
BIBA ___ 1057.2 __ MLh 3.1 --------
MTI02 ___ 395.1 __ MLh 2.9 --------
A037A ___ 74.6 __ MLh 2.7 --------
ROTHE ___ 459.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
LLS ___ 132.3 __ MLh 2.5 --------
SBRS ___ 3011.7 __ MLh 3.5 --------
DAVA ___ 245.6 __ MLh 3.1 --------
BOBI ___ 231.7 __ MLh 2.8 --------
SEPFL ___ 7538.8 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SFRA ___ 2307.5 __ MLh 3.7 --------
MUO ___ 883.0 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SLE ___ 561.1 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SCOU ___ 3667.3 __ MLh 3.6 --------
A280A ___ 337.9 __ MLh 3.0 --------
DAVOX ___ 213.9 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SRER ___ 1643.0 __ MLh 3.6 --------
ELAUS ___ 2232.8 __ MLh 3.3 --------
DAGMA ___ 461.4 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SIOM ___ 4137.6 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SLUB ___ 770.3 __ MLh 3.2 --------
BNI ___ 681.6 __ MLh 3.0 --------
GSF02 ___ 684.7 __ MLh 3.0 --------
PREO4 ___ 987.6 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SOLB ___ 2227.1 __ MLh 3.6 --------
EWZT2 ___ 1671.1 __ MLh 3.7 --------
SBAS ___ 1967.3 __ MLh 3.7 --------
BERGE ___ 253.4 __ MLh 3.0 --------
MATTE ___ 193.4 __ MLh 2.7 --------
SGT04 ___ 527.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
HASLI ___ 801.2 __ MLh 3.1 --------
FELD ___ 225.1 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SIEB ___ 3549.9 __ MLh 3.4 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 364.5 __ MLh 3.1 --------
WEIN ___ 1230.8 __ MLh 3.7 --------
VDL ___ 149.3 __ MLh 2.7 --------
BNALP ___ 355.2 __ MLh 2.8 --------
TUE ___ 248.3 __ MLh 2.9 --------
STIEG ___ 631.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
MONC ___ 595.3 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SNIB ___ 3338.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SMZW ___ 1182.6 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SCAS2 ___ 460.9 __ MLh 2.9 --------
PANIX ___ 187.3 __ MLh 2.7 --------
SBAW ___ 901.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
WILA ___ 1574.8 __ MLh 3.7 --------
EBUEL ___ 440.7 __ MLh 3.1 --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 1
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Frankreich,
12 km nördlich von Chamonix-Mont Blanc ein Erdbeben registriert.
Das Beben ereignete sich am 20. März 2017 um 22:09:10 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von 3.0 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben
dürfte in der Nähe des Epizentrums deutlich verspürt worden sein.
Schäden sind bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht
zu erwarten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.seismo.ethz.ch, wo
Sie auch Ihre Beobachtungen zu diesem Erdbeben melden können.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen überprüft. Erfahrungsgemäss sind alle unsere
Telefonleitungen nach starken Erdbeben überlastet. Bitte informieren
Sie sich im Internet unter www.seismo.ethz.ch oder hören Sie Radio.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH Zurich a enregistré un
tremblement de terre en France, 12 km au nord de Chamonix-Mont
Blanc. La secousse a eu lieu le 20 mars 2017 à 22:09:10 (heure
locale) avec une magnitude de 3.0 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce
tremblement de terre a pu être ressenti de manière assez forte
à proximité de l'épicentre. En règle générale, on ne s’attend
pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue. D'après notre
expérience, toutes les lignes téléphoniques sont encombrées après
de grands tremblements de terre. Informez-vous sur internet à
l'adresse www.seismo.ethz.ch ou écoutez la radio.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Francia, 12 km a nord di Chamonix-Mont Blanc.
Il terremoto è avvenuto il 20 marzo 2017 alle ore 22:09:10 (ora
locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di 3.0 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente
questo terremoto è stato sentito chiaramente nelle vicinanze dell'epicentro.
Normalmente da un terremoto di questa magnitudo non ci si aspettano

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state verificate da un sismologo. Normalmente in caso
di terremoti forti le nostre linee telefoniche sono sovraccariche.
Vi preghiamo quindi di informarvi all'indirizzo internet www.seismo.ethz.ch
e tramite radio.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service

The Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zurich has detected an
earthquake in France, 12 km north of Chamonix-Mont Blanc. The
earthquake occurred on 20 March 2017 at 22:09:10 (local time)
with a magnitude of 3.0 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been clearly felt close to the epicenter. In
general, an earthquake of this magnitude does not cause any damage.

Additional information is available on www.seismo.ethz.ch, where
it is also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Attention: This information has been created automatically and
has not been verified by a seismologist. Based on our experience,
following strong earthquakes our phone lines are overloaded. Please
find more information at www.seismo.ethz.ch or radio broadcasts.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
External link, opens in new tab